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Class 12 IP Sample Papers
Time : 3 Hours Marks : 70
General Instructions : 1. Answer the questions after carefully reading the Questions. 2. Marks are given against the respective questions.
SECTION A 1. Answer the following : (a) What do mean by Network and explain its advantages? 2 (b) Explain bus and ring topologies? 2 (c) Differentiate between switch & hub? 2 (d) Write in brief the purpose of the following softwares: (i) Apache (ii) Tomcat 2 (e) Expand the following terms : (i) FLOSS (ii) | |||
2 Answer the following:. (a) What is the use of method pow() and toLowerCase( )? 2 (b) What is the difference between String and StringBuffer class. 2 (c) Explain GUI? 1 (e) What is Firewall? 1 (f) What is the difference between abstract class and interface. 2 (g) What do you mean by List and combo box? 2 | |||
3. (a) What are the advantages of database over conventional file system. 3 (b) What is meant by “Data independence”? 2 ( c) What is key? Explain primary and foreign key. 2 (d)Explain the architecture of client-server. 2 (e) What is Ogg Vorbis? 1 | |||
SECTION -B 4. HSBC is a bank. The Bank provides three types of loans- Car loan, House Loan, Education Loan.
Read the following case study and answer the questions that follow: Make a java swing frame as shown above and accept values through jTextFields. Perform according to following questions: a. Write the command to clear all the text boxes. 1 b. Write the command to set focus on Exit button and disable all other buttons. 2 c. Write the commands to show the interest rate according to the following criteria.: 2 Car loan – 10% House Loan – 8.5% Education Loan – 5%. d. Write the code for Exit button to close the application. 1 e. Calculate the discount on the amount according to following criteria. 4 · If amount > 10,000,00 and < 20,000,00 then 20% discount. · If amount > 20,000,00 then 25 % discount. |
5 (a) Predict the output/error produced by the following code: int I = 0; outer : while (true) { I++; inner: for(int j=0;j<10;j++) { I+=j; if(j==3) Continue inner; break outer; } continue outer; } System.println(I); 2 | |||||||||||||||
(b) Predict the output/error produced by the following code: int I=0; label : if(I<2) { system.out.print(“I is “ +I); I++; continue label; } 2 | |||||||||||||||
(c ) What will be the output the following code fragment if the value of ch is (i) a (ii) c (iii) d (iv) b? switch (ch) { case ‘a’: system.out.println(“It is a.”); case ‘b’: system.out.println(“It is b.”); case ‘c’: system.out.println(“It is c.”); break; case ‘d’: system.out.println(“It is d.”); break; default: system.out.println(“Not a ,b,c ,and d.”); } 2 | |||||||||||||||
(d) During a special sale at a store, a 10% discount is taken on purchases over 1000/- .Write a program and design screenshot that asks for the amount of purchases, then calculate the discount price. The purchase amount will be input in Rs. : Enter amount of purchases : 2000 Discount price : 1800 4 | |||||||||||||||
| |||||||||||||||
7. Answer the following questions based on the table CLUB given below: TABLE :CLUB
(f)Write The SQL command to display all the details of all the members whose age is grater than eighteen. 1 |
Informatics Practices
Instructions Marks: 70
· All questions are compulsory.
· Read questions carefully before attempting.
Q1. Answer according to instructions:
a. Which network topology requires terminators at the ends of the lines? [1]
b. Expand the term : GNU, PHP [1]
c. How is coaxial cable different from optical fibre? [2]
d. What is the difference between IP address and MAC address ? [2]
e. What is snooping and phishing? [2]
f.What are the common threats to Network Security? [2]
Q 2.
a.Which elements are needed to control a Loop ? [1]
b. A list namely myList has SelectionMode property set to SINGLE-INTERVAL. How would you obtain
(i) the indices of selected value? (ii) the selected value? [2]
c.Find the output: [2]
I. int f=1,i=2;
} while(++I <5);
Q 3.
a.Can you assign justified alignment to a paragraph in HTML [1]
b.What is XML? Write its advantages. [2]
c.What are the steps involved in JDBC connection? [2]
d.Rewrite the code using While Loop? [2]
int i,j;
for (j=1;j<=i;j++)
System.out.printl( “ “+j);
e.Write a program to take input of a variable and show the sum of all even numbers less than that given number input by the user. [3]
Q 4. A class CAR having following structure
String colour String model; int speed; inc_speed() dec_speed(); break(); change_colour(); |
(i) Write code to Create a class CAR with data member as specified above [2]
(ii)Write a constructor to initialize colour as “White” and model as “Maruti” for newly created object. [2]
(ii) Write code for method inc_speed() and dec_speed() to increase or decrease speed by 5 if every time the methods are called. Also make sure speed should not be more then 100 and less then 0. [4]
(iv) Write code for break method to set the speed as 0. [1]
(v) Write code for change_colour() to accept new colour from user and change it. [1]
Q 5. (A)
a.Define e-governance [1]
b.How is Back end linked to a Dtabase and a Server? [2]
c.What are the benefits of E-Business? [2]
a.You need to remove all the rows from the Sales_HIST table. You want to release the storage space but do not want to remove the table structure. What is the solution to the problem? [2]
b.Differentiate between CHAR and VARCHAR datatypes? [3]
c.Predict the output: [5]
i. Select round(29.21,1), round(32.76,1);
ii. Select power(2,5);
iii. Select 9 mod 2;
iv. Select concat(‘catch a ’ ,concat( ‘falling’, ‘star’));
v. Select length(trim( ‘……..to be continued…’));
Q 6.
a. What is significance of Group By Clause in used in SELECT query ? [2]
b.Define Equi join and non Equi join [2]
c.What do you understand by Transaction COMMIT & ROLLBACK? [3]
d.What is constraint.? Explain the difference between default and check constraints. [3]
Q 7.
a.Create table Depart including constraints: [2]
b.Add one more column Email of datatype Varchar and size 30 to the table Depart [2]
c.Select all the department name in descending order. [2]
d.Select the department name whose distance is maximum. [2]
e.Insert values in the table as S101, ‘Sales’, “delhi ’, 120. [2]
Column Name | Dept ID | DeptName | DepartLOC | Distance |
Key Type | Primary | | | |
Constraint | | NOTNULL | | |
Datatype | Number | Varchar | Varchar | Number |
Length | 2 | 20 | 20 | 4 |
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